Friday, November 6, 2009

The end of the beginning.

Hi Everyone. The last post is coming up a bit late but i have still been grappling with the workouts and had a very busy week.

I think it is normal to start with Thank You's but I would like to start with apologies. Sorry Patrick for such a late Day 90 post. It got inevitably late. I wanted to really think hard about it and then got a bit lazy and then a bit busy. Honestly, I don't have much excuse to offer.

Compared to all my friends here doing the PCP, i think i had it a bit easy as my wife helped me out with almost all the cooking and without her it would have been almost impossible for me to get anywhere. Not just that, she made a lot of emotional adjustments. She was very encouraging and patient esp when i was throwing tantrums all over. That happened a lot when i was bordering on obsessiveness about the workout, about the diet, about everything and nothing. Trust me, I would have given up on myself. She has been a rock. I gave her a bit of a hard time even today. Sorry. I love you, Prachee :).

I am really glad that in the end it turned out to be an injury free 3 months. It would have been very difficult to cope up with injury or any other hiccups in between. E! overcame his knee and Melanie did so well to stick around. It was an honor to be doing the PCP in their company.

I can't thank Patrick and Chen enough. Just by way of stumbling upon PCP, all of us were looking to do something about our health and it might have taken more wandering, more wasted time and money if not for Patrick and Chen. The program was carried out very well and I looked forward to the daily emails from Patrick telling us something new about some exercise or about healthy eating or just cheering us on. Saturdays emails were of course a bit dreaded because of the new workout plan every week. :) Even now, after more than a week, I do open my email everyday hoping to see an email from Patrick.

Time for the pants shot :). I have dropped about 4 inches. I am yet to buy new clothes because this is not where i want to be. I am yet to get to Peak Condition as I was way off when i started but i will get there and my new clothes will have to wait a little while longer.

When I look back at what we have achieved, it does look immense but in reality all it took was consistency and discipline. It just goes on to show how consistent dogged small step every day can make such a huge difference. All the posts from fellow PCPers helped a lot in making sure that the small step was taken every day. There were off days but it was easier to get up when i stumbled because of the fact that there were people around encouraging each other every inch of the way. Also knowing that what doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger helped during difficult days of workout.

Here are the Vital Stats from before and After.

9-Aug-09 9-Nov-09
Weight 90.3 78.9
Fat % 26.8 20.2

I know i have some more distance to cover before i want to get to the maintenance stage. Things are a lot better since I embarked on PCP but I still have miles to go. Since I finished PCP, I have learned a few fancy tricks with the jump ropes. Running in Place and Single Leg jumps. It was quite fun and look forward to doing other things with the rope as well.

Things happen eventually but in the end it all depends on how desperately you want it. I was desperate before I started and PCP showed me what I could achieve and helped in fueling my hunger. (I hope not for food :))

To E!, Jessica, Mike and Amy. Thank You all for your support all through the PCP. Thanks Patrick & Chen. I will try and live up to what I learned through both of you.

Cheers to a great beginning !!

Till we meet again guys. Good Bye and Good Luck !!!