Sunday, September 13, 2009

Day 44. Broken Resistance Band, Fish and Planks !

Last week while doing the pull-down the handle of the resistance band came off. I would like to believe that my muscles are suddenly generating more power but that surely was not the case. I somehow got through the whole week using them and yesterday got them replaced. I was not expecting the shop to replace them because there wasn't any warranty but those guys were kind enough to give me a new one. God bless them.

After sticking to chicken for the first month it was natural to get fed up of it. I have been eating fish last two weeks and loving it. I have suddenly re-discovered my love for fish. I am used to eating fresh-water fish and was a bit apprehensive about eating fish in HK but i forget that these days you can get whatever food you want and where ever you want. It is just a matter of looking around and there is always a whole variety of them available.

Today, I was able to make up for the lost PCP day. After erring for the first time, it took me two weeks to get back on track. Yesterday after the soccer I did my Day 42 jump-ropes in the evening and today morning I did my Day 49 Jump-ropes and in the evening finished my Day 43 workout. I wanted to do Day 43 and Day 44 today so i am in sync but I was dreading the plank and the push-up (still !!) so much that i couldn't get myself to do it. I think the way the exercises have become intense now it will get very difficult to make up for a lost day. Obviously the idea is to not miss any workout but then sometimes things aren't just in control.

Finally, it was time to do the weekly measurement and things are looking right on track. Sometimes i want to guess what would these no.s look like at the end of the PCP but it is more exciting to see them change every week and feel motivated rather than get fixated on numbers.

6-Sep-09 13-Sep-09
Weight 85.9 84.8
Fat % 24.8 24.3

Hope the rest of the gang is getting through the grind smoothly. Have a nice week 7 everyone.


  1. Nice work Anshuman, get back on schedule and stay there! Even when you don't feel like working out or are really tired, just think about what a pain it is trying to get back on track and do the workout right then and there, even if it's sub-par.

  2. I'm with you, I feel like I stumbled more often than not the past couple weeks. Once you lose that momentum it is hard to get it back.

  3. Breaking resistance bands is a PCP tradition Anshu! Welcome to the club!

  4. Good for you, experimenting with new protein and getting back on track!
