Saturday, September 5, 2009

Day 36: Break, Tweaks and Jumpropes !!

Hope everyone is doing well. Have been a bit irregular on the blog. Will try and update the blog more regularly.

I had missed the workout last saturday and had thought of doing it twice sometime in the week and Friday seemed like a good day to do it because of a relatively easy day that it is. On thursday i only got started on the workout by 11 pm and then i just couldn't get myself to do the jump ropes friday morning. I am really scared of missing out because of injury or sickness and i didn't want to stretch myself too much. Friday evening i came back and did my regular work out for Thursday. So all in all i have missed a day of workout and which doesn't make me feel too good about it and if that wasn't enough i decided to take it easy today. We had gone for soccer early morning and the heat was merciless. We played for about 90 minutes and it was a good game. Pretty Intense.

So now i am thinking of tweaking the program a li'l bit. Just push everything out by a day. So my jumprope gets replaced by soccer on Saturday mornings and the week starts on Sunday for me. Patrick, does that work? I don't want to be a slacker but just think that soccer is a bit harsh on the legs and then doing jumpropes might push me over the edge. It might not for all i know but i don't want to take chances.

Last week was quite good. I could feel the change when it came to jumpropes. I did 1500 twice in the week without tripping or stopping at all in between. Today i felt much fitter and was tirelessly running around on the soccer ground. We play on a smaller 5-7 a side field. Real test would be getting through a full game on the standard field. Will get there for sure.

V-Sits and floor jumps have been challenging but they would get easier for sure but now we have the new devil in the form of pistol squat. Will get through this as well. :)

Have a nice week 6 everyone.


  1. Sorry man, tired legs is no reason not to jumprope. The soccer is great but the rope is targeting the fat specifically, and that's what drove you to sign up for this whole thing in the first place, right? It's up to you but I'd say keep the rope. Besides, after a soccer game what's a few hundred jumpropes?

  2. Understood Patrick. I will take care of it this week. By Friday, I should be back on schedule.

  3. totally understand, and the mind does work in funny ways. i think at the begining Patrick said to us-dont let yourself think the workout is an option. I can't say I am in that mode yet-as I go in and out of debating with myself, but what has helped me and I shall remind myself again:
    -How good I feel all day when I follow the program
    -That seriously the hardest jumps are the first few and hundred.
    -That I can feel and see the changes and that I am genuinely curious to see what I can do.

    Good luck, and just pick a day like today to get back on track-let the past really cant change it. think your head space is better spent connecting with how you can do your best and doing it.
