Sunday, September 20, 2009

DaY 51. Indulgence, Frustration & Relief.

Hi Everyone !. First of all welcome to the newbies :). Feels good to be saying that. I remember my Day one when I was quite excited about this whole project. It has been a tremendous journey full of ups and downs but I have never felt more frustrated as today when i climbed on the weighing machine but more on that later.

Last time i did not take my indulgence too seriously and i can't even remember what it was about really. I think it was PCP friendly in spite of being indulgence. This time around i decided to live upto it. We went to this Italian place. We decided to go for a penne lobster pasta but couldn't keep myself to it and so we ordered a pizza. I didn't exercise much restraint but kept my hands off the dessert and drinks. Felt pretty full after that and felt a bit guilty. I am sure i far exceeded the calories. My stomach didn't feel too good though an hour or so later was having a stomach ache but this could just be a result of gorging on the food rather than a reaction to the food.

I normally weigh myself on Sunday nights after the workout but i thought I will do it first thing in the morning and when i saw the results I was so frustrated that i couldn't even do my jumpropes properly ended up lashing it on the floor. I was seething with anger, took a few minutes break but i think it was the anger which helped me cream the jump ropes later. I measured myself again after the workout and i weighed a kilo less - that did help a little bit in cooling me down. Even without it i think it is a good time to just think about what i have been following the diet and the workout. Workouts have been very disciplined but diets there have been slips every now and then in terms of timing and quantity. I need to think about these things and may be re-evaluate. Good that it happened in the middle of the PCP. Hopefully it will help me put things in perspective. In the evening, i finished my Day 55 jump ropes and did my routine measurement as i should have done and this is how the results look like.

13-Sep-09 20-Sep-09 (Mng)
Weight 84.8 85.9
Fat % 24.3 25

20-Sep-09 (After Workout) 20-Sep-09 (After Evening Jumpropes)
Weight 84.9 85.6
Fat % 24.3 24

Seeing so much swing within a day I don't know what to make of it. I was able to fit into a jeans that I haven't worn in a year's time. I had lost 10 kgs last year before my marriage and it is good to see myself fit into those clothes again. It hasn't been a long time since then but i did put on a lot of weight.

Today morning when i was doing my Day 50 workout I thought Patrick had a made a mistake when i saw 5 sets of 18 for the floor jumps. I thought he meant 3 sets. Did you Patrick? :). I already know the answer but the leg exercises today were a killer and i know they won't get any easy in the future. Looking forward to it.

Hope the gang is having a good time with the workout and with everything else in Life. Happy Week 8!


  1. Weight fluctuates so much throughout the day depending on water intake, time of day, food intake etc. I've had days where I've seen the scale change within 3 pounds. It's weird. Patrick would probably know the specifics of it. Mmmmmm pizza.

  2. I share the sentiments about the weight. The scale told me that I had lost only one pound. It put me in a bit of a funk for the rest of the day. Sometimes it is hard to remember that muscle gain can offset any weight loss because we're so trained that the weight is the end-all-be-all of body measurements. Hang in there!

  3. The jeans thing is a much bigger deal than a number on a scale, which you proved yourself, is able to swing wildly do to inaccuracies in the machine or fluctuations in your body. Even if your body fat did go up in a given week, that often happens to me too just before a major couple of weeks of muscle growth and fat loss. PCP is not a straight line, it's a series of bumps. And getting angry/stressed only tells your body to go into defensive mode and store the fat even more greedily. You're doing fine man, chillax!
