Monday, October 12, 2009

Day 73 - Can't think of much to write.

Had a pretty uneventful week. No bloodied paps, no broken bands. (but while doing the jump ropes today, i realized that the jump rope has worn out, and the metallic wire inside is getting exposed so i need to get a new one, i guess the guys down at the store know me pretty well now, managed to get a discount last time around and hard to believe but they gave me money back for my broken resistance band. I actually went there to get it exchanged as they had been kind enough last time but something got lost in translation and they returned me the money :). I did order the bands from amazon so that i am not left stranded if this one breaks.) Workouts went on schedule. Had a mid-week hiccup last Tuesday and i am still trying to make up for it. Now with the workouts getting really hard it is almost impossible to make up for a lost day until you get a holiday in between or have a quiet weekend. I hope to make up for it this weekend.

I have been slipping on the diet and i hate myself for that, especially on the weekends I have been letting up and last week I was eating a slice or two of bread in the evening. I try to justify it by saying that since we have to get back to normal life in a few week's time i might as well try getting used to it. On the other hand there will be enough time to get used to that life but now is the time to go for the kill. Everything that we have worked towards over the past 1o weeks will be a waste if I can't consolidate it. I don't want that to happen. I have come this far and if I let myself down now, I can't think of it ...

Here is the weekly assessment.

4-Oct-09 12-Oct-09
Weight 82.9 82.4
Fat % 23.3 23

I think the diet is showing up here in the results. Am pretty sure it is. This week no compromises.

Hope everyone else is having a good time. E ! you have been rock solid. Jessica, Keep that horse running :). Mike you need to get back on track and I wonder where amy is? Hope she is keeping well.
