Monday, October 5, 2009

Day 66: Of Broken Band II, Bloodied Pap & Indian Sweets.

Hey ! Hope everyone is having a great time working out and taking care of their diets. A pretty eventful week this last one.

I snapped my resistance band again for the second time and this time I was at a total loss of which one to buy. HK sucks when it comes to getting these things. I found a few shops today and these guys were asking anything between 40$ to 80$. What the heck? I had the misconception that it was breaking because of the light tension level and without realizing i ended up getting one which was pretty heavy, heavy enough that i couldn't even do the standing ovations. Obviously a bit frustrated with the whole resistance band thing. The light one breaks apart and the heavy one, i can't lift. Obviously there are ones in between but HK sucks anyways. I came home and checked on amazon and realized i had paid 3 times more for the resistance band. I am thinking of ordering these. In the meantime, i will have to figure out how i manage my resistance band exercises. Some of them should still be do-able using these bands that i have. I will try to get this one changed to something lighter but will see if they give in to it.

After my soccer game on Saturday, I decided to get the jump-ropes done right away. I was already quite sweaty and didn't realize my vest flapping against my chest non-stop. When i finished my jump-ropes and looked myself in the mirror. Guess what i find. Two red spots in and around the pap. Well, i had just bloodied myself doing the jump ropes. :). It was scary at first and then a bit amusing.

Last week, we found out that a very good friend of ours is getting married. He came over with a box of Indian sweets. People need to try it to realize how sweet and rich these things are. Normally, i wouldn't have succumbed but it was a joyous occasion and I ate pretty heartily. I have had too many of these digressions lately. We also have this big Indian festival coming up on the 17th. That is one day when things would get tricky and if at all there has to be any digression between now and the end, i have to save it for the 17th. Hope nothing else happens in between.

Finally the weekly measurements were carried out and things look on track.

27-Sep-09 4-Oct-09
Weight 83.7 82.9
Fat % 24.4 23.3

I know it is not just about these no.s but also about getting these principles ingrained in our lifestyle. Slowly but surely the metamorphosis is taking place. I will be uploading the photograph tomorrow.

Have a great final dash everyone and let us all cross the finishing line together and in peak condition.


  1. Hi Anshuman, I know only too well about how rich and fattening these Indian sweets are.

    I am part Indian and I have avoided a lot of Indian foods since doing the PCP.

    Most of the dishes I make at the moment lack the depth of flavour that oil and salt brings out in Indian food. I'm having to cover most meals in chillis and peppers and add double the amount of spices!!!

  2. Bloody Paps! You're so hardcore dude.

    I've snapped a ton of resistance bands too. I think many of them aren't designed for the kind of punishment we deliver every single day. But I found a good one (25 USD) that's worked for over a year now. Use the heavy one for your curls and triceps stuff, and a lighter one for shoulder work.

    Good work. Looking better all the time!

  3. Perhaps you could tie the ends of two broken bands together? ;-) Hey, Anshuman. I thought I'd drop in and see how you're doing. And, it looks like you're doing great! Yeah, I snapped a band too. It was during a set of double Katanas. Apropo, I suppose. Sliced by my shoulder blades? Heh. Anyway, your looking pretty buff there. Keep it up!

  4. Hi Sean, Really encouraging to see your comment. We all in the PCP land look upto you.

