Friday, October 23, 2009

Day 84. Hey dol! merry dol! ring a dong dillo! O! What a feeling i weigh only 80 kilo !!

Just wanted to share this with all of you. I weighed myself today. I am only 80 now. So dropped more than 23 pounds since the start of the PCP.

Only a week to go. I need to wait before I celebrate :).

My routine got even crazier after the last blog. On Wednesday I finished my workout around 1 AM and so it was not a surprise that yesterday when i came home, no matter how much i pushed myself, i couldn't bring myself to start the workout. Slept early. Had a good sleep but i decided to make up for the lost day today.

This is something i have done for the first time in the last 84 days. I came home during lunch from work and i finished yesterday's workout and then when i got back from work today i did my workout for today. It is past midnight already and i finished around 20 minutes back. I couldn't believe what i saw when i stood on the weighing scale.

May be it was the two workouts that caused the weight to drop so much but whatever it was I am pretty happy about it and all charged up.

Bring it on. Last week ya !!

Have a great time everyone.