Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Day 82: Horrible Internet Connection & a Short Blog Update.

Hey, hope everyone is having a rocking time. 37th day for the newbies :). Not newbies really, all you guys are doing great. Mike, E, Jessica, Amy last few days, eh? I have been meaning to update the blog but the bad internet connection is not allowing me to do it.

This is what my routine has been lately. Infact for most of the PCP except for a bit of difference.

Get up 6:45 Leave for work 7:30 Come back 7:30-8:00 PM. The difference is that previously I used to come home and get started with the workout in 10-15 minutes but now with things getting difficult, it inevitably gets delayed. So I would start anytime between 10 - 11 PM and finish around mid-night and obviously you can't sleep right after that, it is like taking a caffeine shot. So I end up sleeping around 1 AM. Also, my wife has an exam end of this month, so I am trying to sit down with her and work through the sample tests. I should have been doing this for a few weeks now but a jerk that I am. Now with less than 10 days remaining (for both my PCP and her exam), I hope things turn out well.

Weekly Assessment: I dropped 200 gms week on week and the Body Fat dropped from 23% to 22.2%. Not Bad.

Achievement of the Week: Yesterday, I managed to jump ropes for 21 minutes non-stop without tripping. Only thing is my right calf muscle is hurting a little bit and I hope that doesn't cause any problems tonight.

Disappointment of the Week: In all, still missing 3 days of PCP workout. (3 out of 82) Have tried to make up for it but almost seems impossible. This weekend will be the last opportunity or otw my PCP would run to 93 days. Don't mind that honestly.

I will keep my entry short. My internet connection has been horrible but yes I could have written the blog anyways and updated when the connection was alright but a little bit of excuse never hurt anyone. Hopefully I can have more short but regular updates as we hit the final lap.

All the best to everyone.

Cheers !!


  1. Thanks, Anshuman! You're coming into the home stretch—good luck with those last few days. Sounds like you're doing great!

  2. 21 minutes straight? That'll burn off fat like nothing else. That's like 3500 jumps!

  3. You are like a god with the j-rope! Absolutely amazing!

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