Saturday, August 1, 2009

Day 1 - Contd.

First of all, i would like to congratulate and thank everyone of you for doing such a wonderful job. I was having my doubts about starting PCP this month and reading your blogs did help a lot in taking the plunge.

Just going through Mike's Blog and I realize I exactly went through the same confusion when it came to the diet. Weekdays have a certain pattern to it but weekends are so hap-hazard. Just had a banana before the game of soccer and by the time i came back it was already 12 and there was no time for breakfast. I though may be having half the diet means having half the no. of meals :) so as I am having no breakfast, may be i can have a normal lunch. Well, we all are so good at rationalizing, aren't we? I think in the end i managed okay, didn't stuff myself, avoided eating out and eating junk. Had dinner at 8:30 pm, i know it is a bit late but we had gone for a late night movie so by the time we came back was pretty late and there was enough gap between the dinner and when i hit the sack.

The activities went smoothly. Tripped a couple of times on the jump ropes but did alright in the end. Sit ups had me sweating a bit. Hong Kong's humid weather and all the fat that i have didn't help either. The only thing I am scared about while jumping ropes is shin-splints. I think i should be okay considering we are not doing a lot of it but normally when i would tend to run on the treadmill after a long break and after putting on a few extra pounds, i inevitably tend to get superexcited and over-do a little bit on day one and it would only cause my shin to hurt so much i end up taking a break. Guess that is the whole idea behind take it slow and easy.

Hope others had a good day one. Happy Day Two !!


  1. So impressed...and of course the addition of "just back from Soccer" is additionally impressive and motivation as well!
    Anyway-love the fact that you will always be a day ahead of us-no pressure, but may help set the tone for the rest of us !

  2. If you're worried about shin-splints make sure you do your jumprope on a soft surface and not concrete. Just that will help a ton.

  3. Nicely done, I agree with Amy, rocking the workout after playing soccer in high humidity is impressive. Way to go!

  4. I love soccer! That is definitely a good way to get your blood pumping outside of PCP. Hope you enjoy the playlist!

  5. That's cool that you're doing soccer, too! I loved playing it as a kid. Strangely enough, the other kids didn't like me on the field. I use to get super-excited chasing after the ball, but I'd almost always miss it when I kicked. However, missing the ball meant that I usually succeeded in kicking someone in the shins. Luckily kids are resilient. They'd laugh it off and then we'd go chasing after the ball again.

    Sounds like you had an amazing first day, Anshu!
