Sunday, August 23, 2009

Day 23: Sad Stats.

9-Aug-09 16-Aug-09 23-Aug-09
Weight 90.3 88.3 88.8
Fat % 26.8 26.9 26.3

Well my fear regarding the weight was correct. The weight has actually gone up. So some thought needs to be given to that. Body Fat % has gone down which hopefully means that my muscle mass is increasing. If not for that i would have been pretty despondent. Well, i am sure i will have lots of questions for Patrick when i catch him online next. :)

Hope rest of you are having a good time and seeing some motivating results.


  1. Aagh, (bangs head against wall)

    Dude, do you have any idea what a .5 kg weight up means next to a .6% fat percentage loss? That's an awesome week of muscle growth!

    Muscle weighs 15% more than fat. It's dense, heavy tissue. You need it to get your body kickstarted into metabolising fat rather than stroring it. Good job.

    You had a good week, don't psych yourself out with these numbers. How about a new weekly photo?

  2. That is exactly what I have been telling him...but this guy doesn't seem to take it seriously...coz it comes from me.Now I think he would.

    Well to introduce myself....I am that person who is doing the unglamorous part of PCP. Eating (usually) what he does and cooking it(well actually the in-charge of it). His wife :P
