Friday, August 21, 2009

Day 21.

Hi Everyone ! Hope you all are having a good time. Haven't been able to update the blog regularly. Work has been hectic, don't get much time after the work and the workout. The past week went well in terms of exercise except for my struggle with the pull-ups. I tried doing it on our neighbour's massive door frame but there is not much space and am always a bit cautious that the door might open any time and it would be a pretty unpleasant site to see someone hanging from your door-frame. Don't want to imagine the expression on their faces. :)

Having a few problems with my diet mostly because of the timing. I wonder if you guys face the same problem. I do my workout in the evening after coming back from work so that is around 8-9ish and so by the time i finish my dinner, it is already 10 and then i would normally sleep by 11-12 if I have to get up at 630 as my work starts early. I am really bothered about the fact that i am not getting enough gap between my dinner and sleep and also the fact that I am not getting enough sleep. Sleep, I can manage over the weekends and even otherwise that doesn't bother me as much. That is just making me a bit anxious and i am getting a feeling that tomorrow when I measure my weight, things might not look good. I know the obsession with the weight is not right and results would show up eventually but it is good to see some change. Let us see what happens tomorrow. I do notice a few changes though. Went for the soccer today in the morning and i think i did pretty okay stamina-wise. Just that it was so hot and only 8 of us had turned up, we were knackered within 45 mins to 1 hour.

We had gone out for dinner to a Chinese place yesterday. Didn't want to explain as much as they were mostly senior ex-colleagues who left my company over the last two years to work else where. Veg rolls, Sea-food soup (was pretty salty but i hope it was natural salt), Deep Fried Prawns (I know, I know !!) and then pecking duck with pan-cakes. Except for the deep fried bit, i think it was okay. Hopefully. Dim-sums, noodles and dessert followed but i avoided them. It wasn't too difficult as i had snacked on some carrots before the dinner. I came back around 10:30 and then waited a while for the food to settle down and did my jump-ropes around mid-night :) and normally i would go over the top with the jump ropes but i just did my 1000.

Have you guys realized that we probably have the best possible schedule. It changes every Saturday and Friday is the jump-ropes day. It is like just before the weekend and you are already pretty tired after 5 days of work and you get a nice little (i think much needed as well :)) break. Sat when I have all the time in the world it is the start of a new week so easy to plan and motivate myself.

Digression. Today we have the semi-finals of the Cincinnati open. Nadal plays the Joker and I hope Nadal wins the semi-final. The other match would also be quite interesting as Murray plays Federer. Am pretty excited.

Happy Week 4 !!


  1. You think you could do your jumps in the morning before work and the strength training at night? Good work man I know those pull ups can be a tough one to find the right space for.

  2. That is a possibility but the jumps are more like warm-up and it gets me going with the sweat dripping and all :).
