Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day Three & Four: I am the Highway !

As expected, had a very hectic start to the week and that is how things would be i guess. Managed to get the exercises done. Was feeling good about it until I read Mike's blog and realized i missed one entire set for the push-ups :). Arrrrgh. Never mind, will try to see if i can manage a 5th set tomorrow.

Diet has been going quite well too. Have been going to Starbucks with colleagues at least twice a day but still manage to return empty handed. So far so good but i will have to tough it out tomorrow when we plan to take my father-in-law (who is visiting us in HK) to "Under the Bridge" where you probably get the best chilly crabs in HK. Not like Singapore though which probably has the best chilly crabs in the world. Sorry guys, i know talking about chilly crabs and custard prawns doesn't help anyone here but those are the wonders that i would want to enjoy keeping myself in PC. Sometimes I wish I were Michael Phelps, that i could eat 12000 calories a day and still break world records. Who am I fooling? if not Michael Phelps, I just want to be in good health and someone who enjoys his food as well though not every day and every meal :)

I just thought i will share a video with you guys that i came across while I was reading about mountaineering. One thing led to another, mountaineering led to skiing and that led me to Doug Coombs. I don't know anything about skiing and i can't really relate to the video but it does inspire.

A bit of a disconnected post with my drifting towards the watch time and again. Hope you all had
a great Day3/Day4. Happy Day 5.


  1. Watch out for the extra jumpropes snuck on there yesterday. And, looking at it tomorrow we're up to 350 total on the j-ropes, another set of squats and longer sets of sit-ups. Ramping up now!

    Enjoy your half portion of crabs, just looked up the recipe and they look delicious.

  2. Mmm, crabs! As long as they're not too salty you can use them for your protein portion of your diet from time to time.

    Don't sweat a missed set here or there. It happens.

  3. Chilly crabs? Brrrr...better get the little fellas a blanket. Keep up the good work!
