Thursday, August 6, 2009

Day Five & Six.

Did I by any chance say that i would do an extra set of push-ups because I missed one the other day. I was kidding :). I seriously tried doing it and it felt like my hands would just give in. So in spite of trying really hard I couldn't do it.
And while jumping ropes today. I kept on going and almost ended up doing 592 jumps without tripping at all. I have been doing a bit extra on the jump ropes because i felt I could go on. I know Patrick said not to over do it but it was done keeping in mind what was to come -- chilly crab. Didn't go to that super spicy chilly crab place yesterday because of the crazy rainfall in HK. Ended up going today and I couldn't resist. Feel bad but want to make up for it. Any thing that I could do, anyone?
Would keep the post short. Just been managing enough time to get the exercises done. Would need a good sleep over the weekend.
So we are coming to end of our first week. Hope everyone is having a great time. Happy Day 7.


  1. Enjoy the crab. If jumproping is what you like, I've got plenty more where that came from.

  2. I've heard it's been raining non-stop in HK. Way to go on 500+ jumpropes!

  3. Really impressed. PS, completely understand the crab...sounds delicious. Plus 73 extra jump ropes seems like = crab

    Well done !

  4. Yes, sleep in on the weekends! It will make the PCP lovely.
