Sunday, August 2, 2009

Day 2.

Soccer after a 4 week break and PCP activities did cause soreness. Why i fail to stretch, I don't understand. Need to work on it. Otherwise, I had a very relaxing and lazy day. Diet wasn't a problem especially since we didn't go out. Rarely does it happen that on a weekend we don't go out.
I have been reading "What I talk about when I talk about running" by Haruki Murakami. It is not his best work for sure. I like "Norwegian Wood" better but this is inspiring in its own way. Imagine a writer in his late 40s running a gruelling 62 mile ultramarathon in Japan. I didn't even know it gets as crazy as that. It is testing one's physical and mental limit. Murakami san actually ran it in 11hours and 42 minutes. It scares more than it inspires right now but there are other good things about the book how he bends philosophy, nostalgia and running. A good read.

Exercises went okay too inspite of the soreness. I think if its not a pain but just soreness exercise probably helps. Stretching probably helps even more and that is what i plan to do from today. I know it is already Day 3. I got up at 6 AM and I am sore so i thought instead of doing the exercises in the morning I will update my blog. (I normally do the exercises in the evening so not slacking off). I intend to get the exercises in morning starting week 2 that is why trying to get some practice of getting up early :). I must rush now as I have to get ready for work. This week would be quite hectic at work and home. No matter what, PCP will go on !!

Hope everyone had a good Day 2. Happy Day 3.


  1. Morning workouts are good for burning fat, but evenings are good for making muscle, so either way you're a winner.

    We'll get more into this soon.

  2. Today was my first pre-work workout and I have to rush a little bit too. The timing is going to take a while to figure out, huh?

  3. I really enjoy Murakami too. I will have to check out his running essay someday soon. :)
